CINAHL usually provides bibliographic information about a publication (such as its author(s), title, year published, and other publication information), and may often provide access to the full text of an article where the its full content can be found. CINAHL has various features that help refine a search for articles.


CINAHL database searching - adolescents. 1. CINAHL – The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature provides access to the top literature 

CINAHL  The University Library's learning module shows searches in the databases Svensk MeSH, SveMed+, SBU, Cochrane Library, PubMed, Cinahl, Trip, OT Seeker  Suggest a purchase. Sign in. Menu. Library Account RefWorks. My Favourites Search History.

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Availability restricted to students and staff at Halmstad University. The database also provides a unique search method - cited reference searching. Find out more about access to the Library databases. All subjects, Biology BASE – Bielefeld Academic Search Engine Cinahl med fulltext via EBSCO. library databases. To find the page quickly, you can use the keyboard; press Ctrl + F and type the name, or the part of the name you remember in the database you are looking for. Cinahl with full text.

Cinahl articles - display the citation and check the end for a DOI link at the end of the citation. Proquest articles - use the links provided to navigate to the article in another database. Copy and paste the article title into Summon to check across all university collections.

CINAHL has various features that help refine a search for articles. Its advanced search and limiters allow searches to have some pre-defined criteria such as range of date published, type of publication, and whether or not an article should appear in a peer-reviewed journal. This tutorial demonstrates the basic searching features of the suite of CINAHL databases on EBSCOhost. Additional functionality available from the CINAHL Plu Click on the Nursing Databases section and choose CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.

Artiklar identifierades genom sökning i elektroniska databaser CINAHL och Pub identified through electronic search methods within the database CINAHL and 

Innehåller referenser till artiklar från ca 2 800 tidskrifter, In addition, CINAHL Database provides access to health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, audiovisuals and book chapters. It includes full-text journals, legal cases, clinical innovations, critical paths, research instruments and clinical trials. CINAHL is the primary database for nursing and allied health-related subjects. This tutorial looks at using the advanced search functions.

10 Mar 2021 CINAHL, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, is a research database that indexes many nursing journals and allows  22 Jun 2020 Subject Searching. To use the CINAHL subject terms, click on the link labeled " CINAHL" headings in the blue bar at the top of the screen. 2 Sep 2020 The CINAHL® Subject Heading List is the controlled vocabulary used to index articles and other content for the CINAHL database. The Bird  18 Mar 2021 Using the alphabet, click on C and find CINAHL in the alphabetical list of databases. 2: Access CINAHL from off-campus by entering your NID and  As with all databases the University subscribes to, CINAHL can be accessed both on and off campus. Simply enter the name of the database you want to search,  To find what you are looking for, browse the topics listed below.
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Cinahl database search

e.g. TI Cardiology looks for cardiology in the title; TI — Searches the Title field.

The search on substance abuse in pregnancy, not restricted to nursing literature, retrieved better results when searching both MEDLINE and EMBASE. For example, a CINAHL search to identify studies that address the question how useful are screening and diagnostic tests for postpartum depression?
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What is CINAHL? CINAHL is The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. It is one of the most popular databases for finding journal articles on health related topics used by the School of Health and Life Sciences.

This tutorial demonstrates the basic searching features of the suite of CINAHL databases on EBSCOhost. Additional functionality available from the CINAHL Plus,… 2020-06-22 · If CINAHL does not provide full text access, the journal my still be available electronically.

Sökningar genomfördes i databaserna Academic Search Elite och Medline. Searches were made in the databases CINAHL, PsycINFO and PubMed.

This time we will “Explode” to What is CINAHL? CINAHL is The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. It is one of the most popular databases for finding journal articles on health related topics used by the School of Health and Life Sciences.

2020-09-11 · Access the database. More than 90% of the currently published journals in this database are included in the main library search; Anyone with a UWE Bristol login can access this database; Databases provided by UWE Bristol are for educational use only and should not be used for commercial corporate purposes; Access the CINAHL Plus database Cinahl articles - display the citation and check the end for a DOI link at the end of the citation. Proquest articles - use the links provided to navigate to the article in another database.